Sunday 13 December 2015

Let us extend SG50 till SG51

In between making mince pies and doing other Christmassy chores I read about the 500 packets of chicken rice (this link was very slow loading, please be patient).

Nice. I thought.

Previously I made comments about the Jubilee here lamenting that, well, Jubilee is not about bragging about how well we have done or goodie bags, and the marketing hype that went with it. Jubilee is about setting people free and cancelling debts. But how many of us were doing that?

Subsequently I learned of the Methodist Church Getting Out of Debt or 'Good' programme.

It was heart-warming to learn of another initiative, this time directed at foreign workers. Better still, the young and privileged were involved.

Let us hope that more private companies, whether or not under their CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) banner, would do even more for those in Singapore who could benefit from more Jubilee action.

Let's keep the Jubilee fire going till 8th August 2016!

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